From small beginnings

My name is Melanie Green, owner and creator of Teacher To Mom. After spending fifteen years in education, I realized high executive functioning skills were extremely lacking. My students were having trouble staying organized, keeping up with deadlines and important dates, and did not understand how to properly set goals to help them remained focused toward being successful. I later realized adults around me were having the same problem! Thus, Journal With Teacher to Mom was created.

At Journal with Teacher to Mom, my mission is to empower you with the tools and support you need to stay organized and achieve your goals. I believe that being organized is essential to success and happiness, and that setting and achieving goals is key to personal and professional growth.

I understand the unique challenges mothers face in balancing work, family, and personal responsibilities, and I am dedicated to providing you with a community where you can learn, grow, and thrive.

I understand just how overwhelming school can be for students and am all too familiar with the anxiety and stress it can cause. I want to teach students the basics of planning and how to manage their time to fit in all the things!

My goal is to help moms, students, and teachers build confidence and resilience, and to create a positive impact in their lives and the lives of those around them.

Through my products and services, including journals, planners, online courses, templates, and coaching, I aim to inspire and motivate you to take control of your life and achieve your dreams. I believe that by staying organized and setting achievable goals, anyone can create a life of purpose, fulfillment, and joy.